Friday, November 21, 2008

Training Time!!

How time flies. It was Thanksgiving 2005 when we told the family that there were three extra heartbeats coming from inside of Christine. It seems like it was just the other day. From then, to the birth of the boys, to now has just flown by.

The last couple of weeks, Ian has given us signs he's ready to start potty training. He had started taking his diaper off so often we had to duct tape the things onto him. He was also holding his diaper when he wet it and saying "uh oh".

Even though Ian may be ready for potty training, I'm not sure I am. So far he's making pretty good progress. He has the dropping his drawers and the peeing part down pretty well. He needs some work on the location part.

He's also doing better than the hardware. We have a hand-me-down "Royal Potty" with some sort of system to detect ...flow, and play a florish. Well, it started acting up and started playing "du du da Daaaah" over and over again.

The Royal Potty is now missing the royal batteries, and his highness will have to learn how to pee without music.

The other guys are doing well. Spencer has really started to talk AND make sense. He's also into giving high fives lately.

Ollie has started to get over his cold. He's only had to have inhaled medicine once in the last week or so. He's also started talking more. He's also been really snuggly.

Christine is doing pretty well. Her back is still giving her trouble, but she is taking it like a trooper. She's also exercising and that seems to be helping it. Even if it doesn't help out her back, it is helping her. It's already starting to show results elsewhere. (Not that she wasn't cute before!)

Anyway, thanks for checking in and Happy Turkey Day.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bats, Spiders, Devils, and Airplanes

Well after a week of staying with us, Christine's Mom is in the air heading back to Grand Junction. Right now, she is somewhere over southeastern Colorado (or so says)

You never know how people are going to react when they meet each other for the first time. Ian can be a bit stand-offish, so I figured he would take the longest warming up to Gahmah B.

He took to her right away. In fact, when he got up from his nap today, he ran through the house. When he didn't find her, he came to me crying and said, "where gahmah go?" I told him that she went back home, but he either didn't understand, or didn't accept the answer. The other boys loved getting to know her, too, and we are all sad that she had to go back.

Halloween was nice. Everyone was sick, so we took it really easy, but the guys like getting into costumes. Having people give you candy and cookies helps, too.

Thanks for checking in,

The Moss Dudes